Friday, May 16, 2014

SQL Tips and Tricks - Part 2(A)

I posted before about getting the columns in a table by using the sys.columns table.  In there I ordered the columns by name, but today I had a need to do the exact same thing except I wanted the columns in the same order in which they appear in the table.  Here's what I did (it's almost exactly the same, which is why this is post 2(A) instead of 3).

DECLARE @TableName       VARCHAR(100),
        @ColumnName      VARCHAR(1000),
        @ColumnID        INT,
        @SelectStatement VARCHAR(8000)

SET @TableName = 'SampleTable'
SET @SelectStatement = 'SELECT '

  SELECT DISTINCT sc.[name],
  FROM   sys.columns sc WITH (nolock)
         INNER JOIN sys.tables st WITH (nolock)
                 ON sc.object_id = st.object_id
  WHERE  st.[name] = @TableName
  ORDER  BY sc.column_id

OPEN datacursor

FETCH next FROM datacursor INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnID

      SET @SelectStatement = @SelectStatement + @ColumnName + ', '

      FETCH next FROM datacursor INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnID

CLOSE datacursor

DEALLOCATE datacursor

SET @SelectStatement = Substring(@SelectStatement, 1, Len(@SelectStatement) - 1)
SET @SelectStatement = @SelectStatement + ' FROM ' + @tableName

SELECT @SelectStatement