Monday, June 1, 2015

Custom Media Formatters in Web API

If you read my post on HATEOAS you may be wondering how to build a custom media formatter in WebAPI.  Although this example is straight from a school assignment, it worked out pretty well and I'll definitely be using it as the basis of any future work.  Part of the assignment was to develop a Domain Access Protocol specific to the assignment.  In this case, the content type of the DAP was to be along the lines of "application/vnd.class-name-assignment+xml".  Of course, WebAPI doesn't know what that type is or how to format the result unless you tell it, which is where the idea of a custom media formatter comes into play.

For starters, any custom media formatter we create will need to inherit from a MediaTypeFormatter base class.  I chose to inherit from BufferedMediaTypeFormatter because that's what I found first when I searched for it:

   1:  public class CustomXmlFormatter: BufferedMediaTypeFormatter

Once you do that, you'll need to add the media type to the SupportedMediaTypes list in the constructor:

   1:  public CustomXmlFormatter()
   2:  {
   3:      SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/vnd.class-name-assignment+xml"));
   4:  }

OK, great.  But all that's really done is set up the media type.  It doesn't tell the server when to use that media type.  This next part is going to go in the WebApiConfig file, in the Register method:

   1:  config.Formatters.Add(new CustomXmlFormatter());

At this point we're all set up to send and receive content from a client using the aforementioned "application/vnd.class-name-assignment+xml" content type.  As long as the request comes from the client with that content type, our new custom media formatter will be used to process it.  Unfortunately, nothing will happen with it at this point (actually, the service won't even compile yet because we haven't overridden a couple of important methods).  We have to override CanReadType and CanWriteType in order to read and write (respectively) the data as it comes in and goes out:

   1:  public override bool CanReadType(Type type)
   2:  {
   3:      return true;
   4:  }
   6:  public override bool CanWriteType(Type type)
   7:  {
   8:      return true;
   9:  }

An important note about that code: it just passes everything right on through.  You may want to set those methods up so that it can only read or write based on certain types.  I didn't want to do that (and the assignment was coming due and I was short on time) so I just put in return true.

This is all great, but we still aren't actually doing anything here.  We have to override a couple more methods in order to actually process the data that comes and goes through this formatter.  Since it's shorter, I'll show you ReadFromStream first:

   1:  public override object ReadFromStream(Type type, Stream readStream, System.Net.Http.HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger)
   2:  {
   3:      var serializer = new XmlSerializer(type);
   4:      var val = serializer.Deserialize(readStream);
   5:      return val;
   6:  }

What we've said there is that anything that comes in should be deserialized using the XmlSerializer.  We're trusting that the input is properly formatted XML.  If it isn't, we'll throw an error.  As for the data on the way out, well, hopefully I commented it well enough to make sense:

   1:  public override void WriteToStream(Type type, object value, Stream writeStream, System.Net.Http.HttpContent content)
   2:  {
   3:      // create a stream to work with
   4:      using (var writer = new StreamWriter(writeStream))
   5:      {
   6:          // check whether the object being written out is null
   7:          if (value == null)
   8:          {
   9:              throw new Exception("Cannot serialize type");
  10:          }
  12:          // if the object isn't null, build the output as an XML string
  13:          var output = BuildSingleItemOutputAsXml(type, value);
  15:          // write the XML string into the stream
  16:          writer.Write(output);
  17:      }
  18:  }
  20:  private string BuildSingleItemOutputAsXml<T>(Type type, T viewModel)
  21:  {
  22:      // get the basic XML rendering of the object
  23:      var output = AsXml(type, viewModel);
  25:      // strip off and store the closing tag
  26:      var closingNodeTag = output.Substring(output.LastIndexOf("</", StringComparison.InvariantCulture));
  27:      output = output.Substring(0, output.LastIndexOf("</", StringComparison.InvariantCulture));
  29:      // use reflection to get the properties of the object
  30:      var properties = type.GetProperties();
  32:      // iterate the properties of the object until the Links are found (this is related to the HATEOAS requirement)
  33:      // create a custom node for each link found in the Links property
  34:      output = (from property in properties
  35:                where property.PropertyType == typeof(List<LinkViewModel>)
  36:                select (List<LinkViewModel>)property.GetValue(viewModel, null)
  37:                    into links
  38:                    where links != null
  39:                    from link in links
  40:                    select link).Aggregate(output,
  41:                                       (current, link) =>
  42:                                       current +
  43:                                       string.Format("<link rel=\"{0}\" href=\"{1}\" />", link.Rel, link.Href));
  45:      // append the closing tag back on the output
  46:      output += closingNodeTag;
  48:      return output;
  49:  }
  51:  private string AsXml<T>(Type type, T viewModel)
  52:  {
  53:      // Build an XML string representation of our object
  54:      string xmlResult;
  56:      var settings = new XmlWriterSettings
  57:          {
  58:              Encoding = new UnicodeEncoding(false, false),
  59:              Indent = true,
  60:              OmitXmlDeclaration = true
  61:          };
  63:      var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(type);
  64:      using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
  65:      {
  66:          using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, settings))
  67:          {
  68:              xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, viewModel);
  69:          }
  71:          //Strip out namespace info
  72:          xmlResult =
  73:              stringWriter.ToString()
  74:                          .Replace("xmlns:xsd=\"\"", "")
  75:                          .Replace("xmlns:xsi=\"\"", "");
  76:              //This is the output as a string
  77:      }
  79:      //Load the XML doc
  80:      var xdoc = new XmlDocument();
  81:      xdoc.LoadXml(xmlResult.Replace("xsi:nil", "nullable"));
  82:      //Remove all NULL values 
  83:      var xmlNodeList = xdoc.SelectNodes("//*[@nullable]");
  84:      if (xmlNodeList != null)
  85:          foreach (XmlNode node in xmlNodeList)
  86:          {
  87:              if (node.ParentNode != null)
  88:              {
  89:                  node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node);
  90:              }
  91:          }
  93:      return xdoc.OuterXml;
  94:  }

Everything up there ends up with one thing: a single XML string written into the stream that is being sent back to the client.  There's only one part left now, which is to specify in our responses when to use this new custom media formatter.  I use the CreateResponse extension of the HttpRequestMessage object to build my responses so this was a simple matter of specifying the content of the response like this:

   1:  response.Content = new ObjectContent(typeof(T), content, new CustomXmlFormatter(), "application/vnd.class-name-assignment+xml");

And that's all there is to it!


HATEOAS: the much ignored tenet of REST services.  What does it mean?  What does it do?  How do you do it?  Those are the three questions I can hopefully answer in this post.

What does it mean?  This one is easy: Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State.

Great, so what does it actually mean?  It means you use links (yes, the same kind you put on a webpage in an anchor tag) to tell the client what it can do next.  Ergo, you use Hypertext (links) as the Engine of Application State (to tell the client what it can do).

The basic idea behind HATEOAS is that the server should be able to tell the client(s) what comes next in the process, based on the current state of the resource being returned.  Allow me to use an analogy.  Big shocker here, but I'm going with the old building a house analogy.

So let's say you're building a house.  Right from the beginning you have a resource that has a state.  For the sake of argument (and because I've never actually built a house), we'll say the resource is House and at the beginning of the process the State of House is Not Started (you can envision an empty lot if that helps).  When House has a State of Not Started, the Construction Crew (i.e. the client) may only take a few actions.  They can Change Plans, Lay Foundation, or Scrap It.  There's a ton of stuff that will come later, but right away they can't do those things (like Frame).

Once the Construction Crew chooses an action from the three available, the State of House changes.  So let's say the Construction Crew chooses Lay Foundation.  The State of House is now Foundation Laid and there are new actions that can be taken: Change Plans, Frame, Landscape, or Scrap It.  You'll notice (hopefully) that they have two of the same options.  When House is in Foundation Laid or Not Started, the actions Change Plans and Scrap It are both available.

As you can see the State of House dictates what Construction Crew can do next.  If House is the resource returned from the server, it's pretty easy to see that the server gets to dictate what steps are available for the client to take.  If the server decides that new steps should be available at different steps the service can be modified to include those links in the response.  Going back to the House example, if the service decided that Install Basketball Hoop should be available when the State of House is Foundation Laid, they can do that.  The client (Construction Crew) can then choose to do that or not.  See, the server isn't telling the client what to do next, only what they can do next.

So that should answer "What does it mean" and "What does it do", but the really important question is "How do you do it".  Again, there's a short answer and a long answer.  The short answer is that you return a links property in your response that contains the actions the client can take.  The longer answer involves code.  Keep in mind that this is just how I've done it one time so it's not The Way or anything, just a suggestion.

It's pretty easy to do the JSON version of this because serializing a class to a JSON object using JSONConvert is really simple. What I do is create a base class for every class that will be returned to a client, usually named something obvious like BaseViewModel:
   1:  public class BaseViewModel
   2:  {
   3:      [XmlIgnore]
   4:      public virtual List<LinkViewModel> Links
   5:      {
   6:          get { return new List<LinkViewModel>(); }
   7:      }
   8:  }

And the LinKViewModel is pretty basic as well:
   1:  [XmlRoot("link")]
   2:  public class LinkViewModel
   3:  {
   4:      [XmlAttribute("rel")]
   5:      public string Rel { get; set; }
   7:      [XmlAttribute("href")]
   8:      public string Href { get; set; }
   9:  }

Once we have that, it's a single line to render the output into a usable JSON result:
   1:  JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value);

All of that leads to a result that looks like this:
With that result I can use a little client-side code (in this case it's pure JavaScript) to get the links from the response and see what I can do:
   1:  function getLink(object, name) {
   2:      var links = getLinks(object);
   3:      for (var i = links.length; --i >= 0;) {
   4:          if (links[i].rel != null && links[i].rel == name) {
   5:              return links[i].href;
   6:          } else if (links[i].Rel != null && links[i].Rel == name) {
   7:              return links[i].Href;
   8:          }
   9:      }
  11:      return null;
  12:  }
  14:  function getLinks(object) {
  15:      var links = [];
  16:      if (object != null && != null && === Array) {
  17:          for (var i =; --i >= 0;) {
  18:              links.push([i]);
  19:          }
  20:      } else if (object != null && != null) {
  21:          links.push(;
  22:      } else if (object != null && object.Links != null && object.Links.constructor === Array) {
  23:          for (var j = object.Links.length; --j >= 0;) {
  24:              links.push(object.Links[j]);
  25:          }
  26:      }
  27:      else if (object != null && object.Links != null) {
  28:          links.push(object.Links);
  29:      }
  31:      return links;
  32:  }

So there you go. HATEOAS and how to do it.