Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Free eBooks!!!!

It seems like about once per year Microsoft decides to give away a ton of eBooks just because they can.  Well, it's that time of year.  If you go here you can view all of the books that are available and download them one at a time.  Alternately, you can paste the following into a word document, save it as "index.html" without the quotes, then open that file in your web browser to download all of them at once.  That's what I did and it took about 30 minutes over WiFi at home (I have high speed Internet access so if you happen to be using dial-up, you'll want to keep that in mind).  I just noticed that the last few downloads failed because I lost my connection due to a storm while I was downloading.  I have no way of knowing which files were downloaded now.  Ugh.  But whatever, I can't do everything for you.

I don't need all of these books, but I'm a big fan of having resources and not needing them instead of needing them and not having them.  And since Eric says right there on his blog that he wants us to download all of these, I felt obliged to do so.  Happy reading!

  <title>Download eBooks</title>
   (function() {
    var endpoints = [
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     link.setAttribute("href", endpoints[i]);
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    var tags = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
    for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
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