Friday, July 22, 2022

Dynamic QueryParams with RouterLink

This is something that should have been obvious, but still required me to find an answer on SO. As I do, I'm putting it here to make it easier to find in the future. Basically I wanted to use an anchor tag with the routerLink directive, but send out dynamic parameters and I couldn't figure out how to do it. It turns out you can just bind the queryParams part of routerLink to a property on your component and pass it that way.


public dynamicQueryParams: Params;
this.dynamicQueryParams = {first: 'value', second: 'empty'};


<a [routerLink]="['/support/case-history']" [queryParams]="dynamicQueryParams" target="_blank">Click Me!</a>
That's pretty much it. Obviously, you'll need to build your dynamicQueryParams variable the way you want it, but this is how you can pass dynamic parameters via a routerLink directive.

Monday, July 18, 2022

No value accessor for form control with name

 I'm going to be brief here and hopefully circle back to this with more details later. As of today (July 18, 2022) there is an open issue in the Angular Github repository stating the team should try to improve this error message. I wish they would because today I wasted two hours on something really stupid. Ultimately, it was my fault for doing the wrong thing, but the whole point of error messages should be to help you find and fix the error.

Anyway, what happened to me today is I was using a 3rd party component (Kolkov Angular Editor) and it was throwing an error that originally said "No value accessor for form control with unspecified name attribute". After some trial and error and moving a bunch of stuff around I thought I had identified that the problem was caused by the 3rd party control itself and there was some bug in it. I applied a workaround that fixed it in one place, but not the other. Eventually, I was able to piece together that I was importing the 3rd party module in my wrong module.

My app is broken up (as it should be) into separate modules by purpose. Then I have one SharedModule where I declare, import, and export anything that's used across multiple modules in my app. When I originally built the piece that uses the Kolkov Angular Editor I had it all in one module, but as my app grew I moved some of my components into my SharedModule, but left the importation of the Kolkov module in its original place. That was the root of my problem. Once I moved the import (and export) into my SharedModule everything worked perfectly. And it only took me two hours to figure out.