1: <!DOCTYPE html>
2: <html lang="en">
3: <head>
4: <meta charset="utf-8" />
5: <title>@ViewBag.Title - My ASP.NET MVC Application</title>
6: <link href="~/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" />
7: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
8: @Styles.Render("~/Content/css")
9: @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/modernizr")
10: </head>
11: <body>
12: <header>
13: <div class="content-wrapper">
14: <div class="float-left">
15: <p class="site-title">@Html.ActionLink("your logo here", "Index", "Home")</p>
16: </div>
17: <div class="float-right">
18: <section id="login">
19: @Html.Partial("_LoginPartial")
20: </section>
21: <nav>
22: <ul id="menu">
23: <li>@Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")</li>
24: <li>@Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")</li>
25: <li>@Html.ActionLink("Contact", "Contact", "Home")</li>
26: </ul>
27: </nav>
28: </div>
29: </div>
30: </header>
31: <div id="body">
32: @RenderSection("featured", required: false)
33: <section class="content-wrapper main-content clear-fix">
34: @RenderBody()
35: </section>
36: </div>
37: <footer>
38: <div class="content-wrapper">
39: <div class="float-left">
40: <p>© @DateTime.Now.Year - My ASP.NET MVC Application</p>
41: </div>
42: </div>
43: </footer>
45: @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jquery")
46: @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
47: </body>
48: </html>
1: @{
2: ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
3: }
4: @section featured {
5: <section class="featured">
6: <div class="content-wrapper">
7: <hgroup class="title">
8: <h1>@ViewBag.Title.</h1>
9: <h2>@ViewBag.Message</h2>
10: </hgroup>
11: <p>
12: To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit
13: <a href="http://asp.net/mvc" title="ASP.NET MVC Website">http://asp.net/mvc</a>.
14: The page features <mark>videos, tutorials, and samples</mark> to help you get the most from ASP.NET MVC.
15: If you have any questions about ASP.NET MVC visit
16: <a href="http://forums.asp.net/1146.aspx/1?MVC" title="ASP.NET MVC Forum">our forums</a>.
17: </p>
18: </div>
19: </section>
20: }
21: <h3>We suggest the following:</h3>
22: <ol class="round">
23: <li class="one">
24: <h5>Getting Started</h5>
25: ASP.NET MVC gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that
26: enables a clean separation of concerns and that gives you full control over markup
27: for enjoyable, agile development. ASP.NET MVC includes many features that enable
28: fast, TDD-friendly development for creating sophisticated applications that use
29: the latest web standards.
30: <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=245151">Learn more…</a>
31: </li>
33: <li class="two">
34: <h5>Add NuGet packages and jump-start your coding</h5>
35: NuGet makes it easy to install and update free libraries and tools.
36: <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=245153">Learn more…</a>
37: </li>
39: <li class="three">
40: <h5>Find Web Hosting</h5>
41: You can easily find a web hosting company that offers the right mix of features
42: and price for your applications.
43: <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=245157">Learn more…</a>
44: </li>
45: </ol>
What's going to happen is that when everything renders, the stuff between lines 4 and 20 in the second part of that code up there is going to render on line 32 of the first part of that code up there. I wanted to replicate that in Angular so I wrote a directive for it. There are probably lots of other (and possibly better) ways to do this, but this was my first shot and I didn't want to lose that progress.
The directive:
1: learnBootstrap.directive('featuredSection', ['$http', '$compile',
2: function ($http, $compile) {
3: 'use strict';
5: return {
6: restrict: 'E',
7: replace: true,
8: link: function (scope, el, attr, ctrl) {
9: if (attr.templateurl != null) {
10: $http({
11: url: attr.templateurl,
12: method: "GET",
13: cache: true
14: }).then(function (markup) {
15: var compiledTemplate = angular.element($compile(markup.data)(scope));
16: var placeholder = angular.element(document.querySelector("#body"));
17: placeholder.prepend(compiledTemplate);
18: });
20: scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
21: var section = angular.element(document.querySelector(".featured"));
22: section.remove();
23: });
24: }
25: }
26: };
27: }
28: ]);
The markup to implement that directive:
1: <featured-section templateUrl="/Features/Home/Featured.html"></featured-section>
The template the directive is going to retrieve on line 10:
1: <section class="featured">
2: <div class="content-wrapper">
3: <hgroup class="title">
4: <h1>{{Title}}</h1>
5: <h2>{{Message}}</h2>
6: </hgroup>
7: <p>
8: To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit
9: <a href="http://asp.net/mvc" title="ASP.NET MVC Website">http://asp.net/mvc</a>.
10: The page features <mark>videos, tutorials, and samples</mark> to help you get the most from ASP.NET MVC.
11: If you have any questions about ASP.NET MVC visit
12: <a href="http://forums.asp.net/1146.aspx/1?MVC" title="ASP.NET MVC Forum">our forums</a>.
13: </p>
14: </div>
15: </section>
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