Thursday, October 20, 2016

TemplateUrl Function for Dynamic Templating

I've come across multiple situations while using Angular JS where I'd like to dynamically load a template into a directive.  It used to be pretty difficult, but in more recent versions (I'm not sure when it was introduced) you can pass a function to templateUrl to somewhat dynamically determine which template you want to use.  Most recently this came in handy when I was nesting a bunch of tables within each other (yes, it was a valid use case), but I also wanted those tables to be available alone.

I made a template for each table - 5 total - and then passed the relative url of the template I wanted as an attribute to the directive.  So it worked out like this:

<ea-children details="childrenFirst" template-url="/templates/first.html"></ea-children>
<ea-children details="childrenSecond" template-url="/templates/second.html"></ea-children>
<ea-children details="childrenThird" template-url="/templates/third.html"></ea-children>

As you can see I was able to reuse the same directive three times with potentially drastically different markup.  The templateUrl function looks like this:

templateUrl: function (element, attributes) {
    return attributes.templateUrl;

One major item to note is that you don't have access to scope variables because the template is requested before scope is initialized.

Hopefully next time I need to do this (assuming I'm still using Angular 1.x) I'll remember to check here first.  Happy coding!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Angular Tree View

For the second (or maybe third) time I faced a situation that would drastically benefit from a Tree View control.  Since I love Angular and was using it anyway, I finally set out to create a Tree View control I could reuse and be proud of.  It's pretty basic, but that's kinda the point.  There's actually a little bit of styling on this one, too.  Once again I'm going to try to get it up on Github at some point, but for now you can check it out on plnkr.

UPDATE: I've changed the directive significantly, checked it into Github and also created an npm package out of it called angular-tree-view.  I'm still updating a lot of it, but it's alive and in the wild now!

Check it out on Github
Check it out on npm

An important piece to note is that this feature actually uses two different directives nested within each other.  There's the parent item, which is a tree-view and then there's the child item, which is a tree-view-item.  Each tree-view-item can have another tree-view in it, which can then have another tree-view-item, which can then have another tree-view, etc.

Directive Requirements:
  • Each item can have an unlimited number of sub-items
  • Each sub-item can have an unlimited number of sub-items (ad infinitum)
  • The user can specify a callback to be invoked when a sub-item with no sub-items of its own is clicked
  • The selected item should be indicated by the application of an "active-branch" class
Directive Module Code:
angular.module('ea.treeview', []).directive('eaTreeView', function() {
  return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            items: '=',
            isRoot: '@',
            callback: '&'
        link: function(scope) {
            scope.callback = scope.callback();
        controller: function ($scope) {
            this.isRoot = $scope.isRoot;
        template: '<ea-tree-view-item item="item" callback="callback" data-ng-repeat="item in items"></ea-tree-view-item>'
}).directive('eaTreeViewItem', function() {
  return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            item: '=',
            callback: '&'
        require: '^eaTreeView',
        link: function (scope, element, attributes, controller) {
          scope.callback = scope.callback();
            scope.activate = function () {
              var activeElements = document.getElementsByClassName('active-branch');
              angular.forEach(activeElements, function(activeElement){

            scope.hasChildren = function () {
                return !!scope.item.items && !!scope.item.items.length;

            scope.hasParent = function() {
                return !controller.isRoot;

            scope.toggleExpanded = function() {
                scope.item.expanded = !scope.item.expanded;
        templateUrl: 'treeViewItem.html'

The treeViewItem Template:
    <div data-ng-if="hasChildren()" class="tree-parent" data-ng-class="{'tree-child': hasParent()}">
        <div data-ng-click="toggleExpanded()" class="clickable">
            <i class="fa" data-ng-class="{'fa-chevron-right': !item.expanded, 'fa-chevron-down': item.expanded}"></i>
        <ea-tree-view data-ng-if="item.expanded" callback="callback" items="item.items"></ea-tree-view>
    <div data-ng-if="!hasChildren()" data-ng-click="activate()" class="tree-child clickable">{{item.display}}</div>

A dash of styling:
.clickable {
  cursor: pointer;

.active-branch {
    background-color: lightgrey;

.tree-parent {
  padding-left: 0;

.tree-child {
  padding-left: 1em;

.tree-final-child {
  padding-left: 2em;

And finally some usage:
<ea-tree-view items="model.items" is-root="true" callback="go"></ea-tree-view>

angular.module('demo', ['ea.treeview']).controller('mainController', function($scope) {
  $scope.model = {
    items: [
        display: 'Abe',
        items: [
          {display: 'Homer', items: [{display: 'Bart'}, {display: 'Lisa'}, {display: 'Maggie'}]},
          {display: 'Herb'},
          {display: 'Abbie'}
        display: 'Jacqueline',
        items: [
          {display: 'Patty'},
          {display: 'Selma'},
          {display: 'Marge', items: [{display: 'Bart'}, {display: 'Lisa'}, {display: 'Maggie'}]}
  $scope.go = function (item) {
      console.log("You could have navigated!", item);

Angular Tri-State Loading Directive

I had a situation where I wanted to load some data asynchronously and display a visual cue to the user that the action had been completed.  However, there was a possibility that more than one result could be returned and the user would have to take some action to confirm which item they want to use.  I also wanted to show the user a "loading" message so they'd have the visual cue that something was happening.  Since I was already using Angular and Font Awesome I decided the best way to go about it would be to use a directive.  I prefer my directives to be configurable as much as possible so I can reuse them in the future with relative ease (that is the point of directives after all).  This is what I came up with.  I will at some point get it uploaded to Github, but for now this is the code.  (You can check it out on plnkr, too).

First I had to create the directive.  I've refactored it a little bit so that it's usable as a separate module by just including 'ea.loading' in your module import list when you declare your module.

Directive Requirements:

  • User can configure which icons to use, but defaults will be used if nothing is specified
  • User can configure which color(s) to use on which states and no defaults will be used
  • User can specify a callback function and parameters for each of the three states separately (for click events only)
  • User can specify an initial state, but a default of 0 (do not show) will be used if nothing is specified

Directive Module Code:
angular.module('ea.loading', []).directive('eaTriStateLoading', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      animate: '@',
      initialValue: '@',
      loadingCallback: '&',
      loadingCallbackParameters: '=',
      loadingClass: '@',
      loadingColor: '@',
      notOkCallback: '&',
      notOkClass: '@',
      notOkColor: '@',
      okCallback: '&',
      okClass: '@',
      okColor: '@',
      state: '='
    link: {
      pre: function(scope, element, attributes) {
        scope.animate = scope.animate || true;
        scope.state = parseInt(scope.initialValue) || 0;
        scope.loadingClass = scope.loadingClass || 'fa-spinner';
        scope.okClass = scope.OkClass || 'fa-check';
        scope.notOkClass = scope.notOkClass || 'fa-exclamation-triangle';
      post: function(scope, element, attributes) {
        function buildParameterObject(parameters) {
          var result = {};
          for (var i = parameters.length; --i >= 0;) {
            var parameter = parameters[i];
            for (var j = Object.keys(parameter).length; --j >= 0;) {
              // key is the name of the parameter
              // parameter[key] is the name of the property on scope that will contain the value to be passed to the parameter
              var key = Object.keys(parameter)[j];
              var value = scope.$parent[parameter[key]] || parameter[key].substring(1, parameter[key].length - 1);
              result[key] = value;
          return result;
        = function($event) {
          var parameter = {};
          if (scope.state === 1 && !!scope.loadingCallback && angular.isDefined(scope.loadingCallback) && angular.isFunction(scope.loadingCallback)) {
            if (!!scope.loadingCallbackParameters) {
              parameter = buildParameterObject(scope.loadingCallbackParameters);
            parameter.$event = $event;
          } else if (scope.state === 2 && angular.isDefined(scope.okCallback) && angular.isFunction(scope.okCallback)) {
            if (!!scope.okCallbackParameters) {
              parameter = buildParameterObject(scope.okCallbackParameters);
            parameter.$event = $event;
          } else if (scope.state === 3 && angular.isDefined(scope.noOkCallback) && angular.isFunction(scope.noOkCallback)) {
            if (!!scope.notOkCallbackParameters) {
              parameter = buildParameterObject(scope.notOkCallbackParameters);
            parameter.$event = $event;
    template: '<i class="fa" ng-class="{\'{{loadingClass}}\': state === 1, \'fa-pulse\': state === 1 && animate === true, \'{{okClass}}\': state === 2, \'{{notOkClass}}\': state === 3}" ng-click="click($event)" ng-style="{color: (state === 1 ? loadingColor : state === 2 ? okColor : notOkColor)}"></i>'

And some use cases:
<ea-tri-state-loading loading-callback-parameters="model.firstDemoLoadingCallbackParameters" loading-callback="clickCallback(property, model.age, $event)" loading-color="blue" not-ok-color="red" ok-callback="decrement()" ok-color="green" state="model.firstDemoValue"></ea-tri-state-loading>
<ea-tri-state-loading loading-class="fa-circle-o-notch" loading-callback-parameters="[{'property': '\'secondDemoValue\''}]" loading-callback="clickCallback(property, $event)" loading-color="purple" not-ok-color="yellow" ok-color="orange" initial-value="2" state="model.secondDemoValue"></ea-tri-state-loading>
<ea-tri-state-loading animate="false" ok-class="fa-rocket" state="model.thirdDemoValue"></ea-tri-state-loading>
<ea-tri-state-loading not-ok-class="fa-remove" state="model.fourthDemoValue"></ea-tri-state-loading>
<ea-tri-state-loading state="model.fifthDemoValue"></ea-tri-state-loading>
And finally the controller that would back those use cases:
angular.module('demo', ['ea.loading']).controller('mainController', function($scope) {
  $scope.states = {
    first: 1,
    second: 2,
    third: 3
  $scope.model = {
    firstDemoValue: 1,
    secondDemoValue: 1,
    thirdDemoValue: 1,
    fourthDemoValue: 2,
    fifthDemoValue: 3,
    age: 12,
    firstDemoLoadingCallbackParameters: [
      {'property': '"firstDemoValue"'},
      {'value': 'age'}
  $scope.clickCallback = function(property, value, $event) {
    console.log('property', property);
    console.log('value', value);
    console.log('$event', $event);
  $scope.simulateLoading = function(property) {
    $scope.model[property] = 1;
  $scope.simulateOk = function(property) {
    $scope.model[property] = 2;
  $scope.simulateNotOk = function(property) {
    $scope.model[property] = 3;