Thursday, October 20, 2016

TemplateUrl Function for Dynamic Templating

I've come across multiple situations while using Angular JS where I'd like to dynamically load a template into a directive.  It used to be pretty difficult, but in more recent versions (I'm not sure when it was introduced) you can pass a function to templateUrl to somewhat dynamically determine which template you want to use.  Most recently this came in handy when I was nesting a bunch of tables within each other (yes, it was a valid use case), but I also wanted those tables to be available alone.

I made a template for each table - 5 total - and then passed the relative url of the template I wanted as an attribute to the directive.  So it worked out like this:

<ea-children details="childrenFirst" template-url="/templates/first.html"></ea-children>
<ea-children details="childrenSecond" template-url="/templates/second.html"></ea-children>
<ea-children details="childrenThird" template-url="/templates/third.html"></ea-children>

As you can see I was able to reuse the same directive three times with potentially drastically different markup.  The templateUrl function looks like this:

templateUrl: function (element, attributes) {
    return attributes.templateUrl;

One major item to note is that you don't have access to scope variables because the template is requested before scope is initialized.

Hopefully next time I need to do this (assuming I'm still using Angular 1.x) I'll remember to check here first.  Happy coding!

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