Friday, November 18, 2016

More Fun with Shims

I'm finally back to doing some server side code (as opposed to the client stuff I've been working exclusively with for several months) and I found myself in need of some unit tests.  It's been a long time since I used a shim from Microsoft's Fakes framework so I had to poke and prod it for a while to work and I don't want to forget what I did.  Here goes:

In this particular example I was working with the WSUS API provided by Microsoft to interact with WSUS.  I specifically was trying to save a new signing certificate, but I obviously didn't want to actually do that on a WSUS server.  The solution was to use shims and stubs this time.

   1:  private string _fileNameParameter = "empty";
   2:  private SecureString _passwordParameter = new SecureString();

   1:  private StubIUpdateServer PrepareIUpdateServerStub()
   2:  {
   3:      FakesDelegates.Action<string, SecureString> setSigningCertificateAction = (fileName, password) =>
   4:      {
   5:          _fileNameParameter = fileName;
   6:          _passwordParameter = password;
   7:      };
   9:      var iUpdateServerConfiguration = new StubIUpdateServerConfiguration
  10:      {
  11:          SetSigningCertificateStringSecureString = setSigningCertificateAction
  12:      };
  14:      var iUpdateServerStub = new StubIUpdateServer
  15:      {
  16:          GetConfiguration = () => iUpdateServerConfiguration
  17:      };
  19:      return iUpdateServerStub;
  20:  }

   1:  [TestMethod]
   2:  public void SetSigningCertificateShouldPassParametersToWsusApiAndReturnTrue()
   3:  {
   4:      using (ShimsContext.Create())
   5:      {
   6:          // arrange
   7:          const string expectedFileName = "fileName";
   8:          const string expectedPasswordString = "password";
   9:          var expectedPassword = new SecureString();
  10:          foreach (var c in expectedPasswordString)
  11:          {
  12:              expectedPassword.AppendChar(c);
  13:          }
  15:          ShimAdminProxy.GetUpdateServerStringBooleanInt32 = (name, isSsl, port) => PrepareIUpdateServerStub();
  17:          var wsusRepository = new WsusRepository();
  19:          // act
  20:          var result = wsusRepository.SetSigningCertificate(expectedFileName, expectedPassword);
  22:          // assert
  23:          Assert.AreEqual(expectedFileName, _fileNameParameter);
  24:          Assert.AreEqual(expectedPassword.ToString(), _passwordParameter.ToString());
  25:          Assert.IsTrue(result);
  26:      }
  27:  }

I broke out a bunch of the stub creation stuff so I could reuse it across multiple tests.  That's what the PrepareIUpdateServerStub method is for.  That's also why I have the global variables _fileNameParameter and _passwordParameter.  The method I was testing is essentially a pass-through to the WSUS API that we reuse in multiple applications so the method itself was fairly straightforward (check if a file and password were passed, then pass them on to WSUS).

Like I said at the beginning, working with Shims, Fakes, and Stubs is always a challenge for me so hopefully this documentation will help me next time I need to do it.

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