Monday, April 22, 2019

Changing your mindset for starting TDD

This blog post was originally published on the ThoroughTest website, back when that was a thing. As a co-founder and primary content contributor for ThoroughTest, I absolutely own the rights to this post and the source code to which it refers. I intend to reproduce each blog post here on my personal blog since the company is no longer in business.

Changing the patterns and practices of developers can be a lot like herding cats, especially if they have been following a personal standard for any length of time. It can seem that the harder you try to move people in one direction forcibly, the more resistance you will face. Not only will this resistance affect morale among a team, it will also create, hopefully, figurative claw marks and scratches all over the herder. The key to adoption for any new methodology is to show the overall benefits and have a transition plan. Changing an engrained mindset takes some time, but the results can be monumental and lead to a more productive and effective development team.

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a mindset. What exactly is a mindset? Well, a mindset is a set of beliefs, assumptions, and a perspective a person has about a topic. And, how exactly is TDD a mindset then? TDD is the perspective that it’s more important to understand a problem or requirement before finding or building a solution. This is characterized by writing unit tests before writing any code to satisfy those requirements.

Most developers have the belief that it’s easier to work on the solution first and then while doing so they will begin to understand the complexities of the problem. Is this belief wrong? No, but it’s generally not the most effective. One of the major goals of TDD is to become more effective in writing code and in that effectiveness quality will increase and bugs will decrease. This reason alone is why changing to a TDD mindset will be one of the more beneficial changes a developer can make in their career.

How many times have you or another developer written code weeks, months, or even years ago that maybe was not “clean” or that you even remember ever writing? That code has now become core to the application inadvertently. Today a new developer, or even yourself, makes a change to that code to solve a different requirement. The new code solves the new problem, but now an angry user calls the support desk and says that the feature they relied on for months has stopped working.

The cycle continues of writing code to solve a new problem, break an old feature, fix the old feature, and on and on it goes. This very concern is the solution a TDD mindset will solve. It solves the issue by the codebase always knowing what the desired outcome is for any line of code written because the developer had a clear understanding of the problem before ever writing functional code. Knowing the outcome and having a test written for it helps stop the perpetual cycle of “new code breaks old code” headlines that fill up release notes.

So, the question you’ll be having now is, how do you change to a TDD mindset? It’s all fairly straightforward and the first step is that when reading any requirement or learning of any new features or functionality needed is to ask one simple question: how do I test this? Another way to phrase it is: how do I know that the code I will write is going to satisfy the requirement accurately and completely? Write this question down on a sticky note and put it on however many monitors you have: “HOW DO I TEST THIS?” It cannot be stressed enough how important this question is when changing to a TDD mindset.

The next step for a TDD mindset shift is repetition. Repetition is key here. Asking yourself the above question over and over will help engrain the notion in your mind that understanding the outcome and impact of any requirement is way more important than finding a solution first. You wouldn’t casually build a house upon dirt and then later pour concrete under it, you pour the concrete first and then build the structure from blueprints. The idea is the same in TDD. Have a solid foundation of what needs to be accomplished before ever writing code.

The final step of changing your mindset to a TDD one is probably the most important. This is the step of implementation. It doesn’t do much good to only think about implementing the principles of a TDD mindset without putting them to actual use. It takes real practice to be able to implement anything new and TDD is no different. Without constant practice of getting a requirement, completely understanding it, writing unit tests, and then writing code, it will be very difficult to truly grasp the concept.

Adoption of TDD can be hard to overcome, but by just first thinking about how something can be tested before ever writing code you will have already taken the first step. At the very least start with that question in mind and slowly work your way towards the other steps in TDD. Through time and repetition, you will be well on your way to developing a new mindset that will result in more efficient code with fewer bugs.

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