I've had to do this a few times and I've had to look it up each time. Next time I have to look it up, I can just come here.
Let's say you've committed some changes on a task branch, pushed them up to your remote repository, and completed a PR into a main-line branch. Then you realize something needs to get rolled back. How do you do that? It's pretty easy, actually.
git log --oneline (find the commit you want to go back to)
git reset --hard [commit hash] (reset the branch to the commit you want to go back to)
git push -f (force push the branch back up to the remote repository)
This doesn't delete the commit that was made by the PR, but it does essentially abandon it. You could always record that hash if you wanted and then move back to it later, but that's not what I wanted to do here so that's not what I showed how to do. Hopefully this helps someone other than me.
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