Friday, March 7, 2025

JavaScript Boolean Object

It has been a looooooong time since I posted. Not because I haven't had a ton to post about, but because at my core I'm super lazy. Anyway, here's a quick hitter on how to check if every property on an object is true using the Boolean function in JavaScript.

return Object.values(;

You do need to watch out for a couple of things if you want to use this. First, because of type coercion in JavaScript, an object that has pretty much any kind of data on a property will count as true. So if you had an object with a name property that had a value of "Mickey", that's true in this scenario. Second (and related), if you have a property with a value of 0 it will count as false, again due to type coercion.

I'm using this to check an object that only has boolean properties and it works very well.

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